A Little About Me


As for many, doodling was a fun pastime for me when I was little. It wasn't until a teacher pointed out the field of graphic design, that it dawned on me that I could spend my adulthood doing this for a living, who knew adulthood could be fun! Once graphics evolved, I wanted to make these interactive and went into an interactive web design program. One of the first lessons learned there was that form follows function. In other words, don't simply make something pretty, have a reason for every design decision. This usually starts with the goal or purpose of the project, who/what/where/when/why it is intended for. All design choices and the form it will take should stem from the function. Logical and simple enough. Many many years later, it's amazing to see the multitude of expressions that design has been taking, merging technology and great visual concepts in clarifying ideas and creating solutions. As web is advancing, so are the ever increasing possibilities - what an exciting area to create in. I believe all things are eventually possible with creativity, thought and action (no need to wait for a flying pig ;)

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